
About the Artist:

The work is an exploration of traditional methods of creating

A focus on working with the colouration of copper alloy metals.

Inspired by the organic; natural processes and working with the elements.

About Patination:

Patination, is the Art of colouring metal, but any material that changes its colour or surface appearance with time can be said to have a patina.

To me Patination is alchemy, it is a transformation. The surface of the metal itself is changed, through processess such as oxidisation and mineralisation. Different elements and chemicals have different effects. It is the process of encouraging that which would happen to the metal naturally over time. However with the choice of what reactions can occur, and the range of reactions available the result of artificial patination is far broader than what would happen if a metal was left to age in it’s natural way.

I became attracted to it through painting, as this is where my art practice began. I was amazed at the variation of colours, patterns and textures that could be achieved. This has then developed, I have worked with it in an industrial and architectural context, for companies, and have worked with it in sculptural contexts, with foundries. What I feature here on this website is my own artistic explorations and collaborations.

This has also led me to explore a path of other metal working techniques, the stages before the colouring, such as casting. I intend with future projects, to extend this journey to other traditional metal forming and metal working and colouring techniques.